Tuesday, December 31, 2019
My Childhood Memories That Tore Me Apart - 852 Words
I think of my life and memories as an ocean: serene and still or rough and rigid. But in the end it’s always beautiful and breath-taking. Some of my memories warm me up from the inside. But they also tore me apart. Unfortunately, the memories that tore me apart are the best I can remember. My childhood memories, when I look back at them, are filled with resentment and bitterness. The first few memories, I was spent with strangers. Strangers my parents paid to be our care-givers. Some of these strangers were kind and compassionate, some were troubled and negligent. My dad received so much help due to the circumstances in his country. I remember an instance when my community gave us a helping-hand. They helped us fix our trailer and built a†¦show more content†¦My two oldest sisters would eventually leave because they became constant targets of verbal humiliation. Somewhere along the way, my parents sought for help. Things became less tense and less aggravating. Still, this obstacle caused me to realize resentment would push me down, but I didn’t allow it. I decided to focus all my energy on relearning the things I lost in Honduras. By fourth grade year, I was voted the most improved and the hardest-worker. Nine years after arriving in the United States, I am still learning how to express myself. It was a rigorous process, but I feel like I succeeded. My English may not be perfect, but it is now my first language. Everyone has to know where they came from to know where they want to go. Every day since my second arrival in this country, I’ve been reminded that my purpose was to have a more productive lifestyle and to have the education many in my country ache to have. At times, I feel like if I don’t have a set goal, I will end up being a failure. There’s a voice inside my head saying, you’ll never reach it. Every time I feel this way, something sparks in me. That’s when I decide to work my hardest and gi ve it my all. 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