Tuesday, December 31, 2019
My Childhood Memories That Tore Me Apart - 852 Words
I think of my life and memories as an ocean: serene and still or rough and rigid. But in the end it’s always beautiful and breath-taking. Some of my memories warm me up from the inside. But they also tore me apart. Unfortunately, the memories that tore me apart are the best I can remember. My childhood memories, when I look back at them, are filled with resentment and bitterness. The first few memories, I was spent with strangers. Strangers my parents paid to be our care-givers. Some of these strangers were kind and compassionate, some were troubled and negligent. My dad received so much help due to the circumstances in his country. I remember an instance when my community gave us a helping-hand. They helped us fix our trailer and built a†¦show more content†¦My two oldest sisters would eventually leave because they became constant targets of verbal humiliation. Somewhere along the way, my parents sought for help. Things became less tense and less aggravating. Still, this obstacle caused me to realize resentment would push me down, but I didn’t allow it. I decided to focus all my energy on relearning the things I lost in Honduras. By fourth grade year, I was voted the most improved and the hardest-worker. Nine years after arriving in the United States, I am still learning how to express myself. It was a rigorous process, but I feel like I succeeded. My English may not be perfect, but it is now my first language. Everyone has to know where they came from to know where they want to go. Every day since my second arrival in this country, I’ve been reminded that my purpose was to have a more productive lifestyle and to have the education many in my country ache to have. At times, I feel like if I don’t have a set goal, I will end up being a failure. There’s a voice inside my head saying, you’ll never reach it. Every time I feel this way, something sparks in me. That’s when I decide to work my hardest and gi ve it my all. For me, my career choice is something that I’ve always dreamt of: traveling the world and learn about what makes our world so diverse. Language is a barrier for many, including myself. My goal is to become experienced and knowledgeable, not only of my own culture, but every culture around theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hospice: My Life Changing Experience740 Words  | 3 Pageshave shaped me into the person I am today. Some of them are so insignificant I cant even place them, but others I will remember until I take my very last breath. I will never forget what happened to me and my family since the time my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Because my mom had cancer for a good portion of my childhood, I became very mature, gained a new respect for people, and I have developed a new outlook on life. I had to become very mature very quickly after my mom got sick. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Bridging The Gap The Innate Cultural Disconnect Between...
Bridging the Gap: The Innate Cultural Disconnect between Civilian and Military Life Over the last 14 years, the United States has undergone the longest era of war in its history, yet that era of conflict has had little to no personal impact on the lives of average Americans (Zucchino). For countless cultures and millennia, military forces have served as something of a microcosm of society, with the gulf between military and civilian cultures sometimes seeming completely unnavigable. In recent years, however, the void between American military life and civilian America has been expanding immensely. Where does that socio-cultural dissonance come from, and what does it mean for the future of American politics and military relations? What can be done to bridge the gap? Examining these truths, we can determine the deeply felt impacts of war, not just on those directly involved, but also in the relationship between civilians and the military. There is an increasing level of physical distancing between members of the military and civilians, which doubtless plays a significant position in the increased separation between military and civilian life. Military bases often boast their own shopping centers, movie theatres, restaurants, and sports facilities, meaning that there is little to no reason for a soldier to leave the base when stationed there. The military bases act like fortresses, entirely closed off from the outside world, becoming a substitute society that provides everyShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pages3 HR TRANSITIONS HR Management Contributes to Organizational Success More effective management of human resources (HR) increasingly is being seen as positively affecting performance in organizations, both large and small. A joint venture between General Electric and a Japanese company, GE Fanuc is a manufacturer of factory automation and control products. Headquartered in Virginia with 1,500 employees, the HR department primarily performed administrative support activities. But when Donald
Saturday, December 14, 2019
10 Time Tested Tips To Quickly Avoid Plagiarism Free Essays
Ten Tips on how to avoid plagiarism: Students’ Guide How to Avoid Plagiarism? When writing a college essay or a research paper, chances are that you will need to consult various sources to develop your ideas. However, you must show where the ideas or quotes are coming from, otherwise, you would be accused of plagiarism. In this guide, we will explore how best to avoid plagiarism. We will write a custom essay sample on 10 Time Tested Tips To Quickly Avoid Plagiarism or any similar topic only for you Order Now First of all, let us just say that there are so many articles out there which try to explain avoiding plagiarism. As a matter of fact, when we asked Google, we came across over 308,000 results. Doing this research will get you some good recommendations, but beware bad recommendation including using free plagiarism checker. I will explain why in a second. We believe what drives everyone crazy is the fact that so many of these articles are written with the intent to promote a company than trying to provide valuable information. In other cases we came across information that was just seasonal. So, that’s what brings us to this particular topic, how to avoid plagirism. Let’s dive right in†¦ Simply put, plagiarism is any instance of taking another person’s or author’s ideas or research and representing it as your own. Most colleges and universities have advanced plagiarism detection systems, and if you are caught, you will get penalties. Here is brief guide that describes how to check for plagiarism. The consequences for being caught having plagiarising in your work can be very severe, with punishments ranging from exclusion from a course to expulsion from university; even – in some instances – to court hearings. However, plagiarism is not always committed intentionally; most plagiarised essays or dissertations are simply improperly referenced, or where students inadvertently mix their own ides with those of another, without referencing. We have already provided a guide that goes in a lot of detail regarding how to paraphrase essays and dissertations. Yes, this is all Plagiarism – Examples of Plagiarism If you use a friend’s essay to submit without changes as your own, or using a part of it to construct your own work, without referencing, and without adequate research, you will be accused of plagiarism. Universities have advanced systems to prevent cheating, and all dissertations, essays, and coursework are submitted through TurnItIn, a system that holds all student work from thousands of universities, and detects abnormal similarity levels. You can certainly check how Turnitin works, by clicking on this link provided here. Using copyrighted material from a website or online sources. You are not allowed to use some sources in your work, and this is clearly stated. This can be patents, invention, artwork, or even studies. Some sources you come across when doing your research will state that the content is copyrighted, or you need the author’s permission to use it. Building your argument on one particular work without adequately referencing it. While you might not use direct quotes from the source, you still need to give credit either in the list of sources or in your footnotes, otherwise, you will be accused of plagiarism. Rewriting an original work. Some students want to save time and energy by using an original essay and trying to rewrite it using different phrases, without changing the meaning. Even though you might have a unique content, similarities will be revealed by the advanced systems universities use, and you will be caught. Direct quotes without adequate referencing. When quoting word-for-word, you need to use quotation marks, and make sure that you provide the author’s name and publication year, along with the page number, based on the required referencing style. Collusion. If you collaborate with other people to complete the essay, research, or course work, you need to acknowledge this in your essay. University Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism When you start your course, you will be provided with a guide on how to avoid plagiarism by your institution. Make sure that you read through the guidelines, requirements for referencing, and the policies, in particular focus on the penalties issued for breaching the code of academic conduct. You also need to familiarise yourself with the referencing methods expected by your university. You can learn to incorporate Harvard Style or APA style thru our site, make sure you check out our site Journal. Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism If you use direct quotations from books, journal articles, or internet sources, always use a quotation mark, followed by the in-text reference, including the page number. If you use a website as a source, include the paragraph number instead of the page number. Reference all the sources you used. If the idea was mentioned and presented by more than one author and sources, you need to list them all, if you consulted with the papers. If you are referring to multiple sources highlighting an issue or explaining a phenomenon, give details of all of them. If you conduct interviews or ask for advice from experts, discuss your topic with other people, you have to reference their input. Find out how to reference interviews and personal correspondence to avoid plagiarism by checking out our APA referencing guide. Paraphrase. Instead of quoting everything word-for-word, you can integrate the literature you consulted with in a few sentences and provide a reference for each source. You do not have to be exact, and you will need to show your understanding of the idea by putting it into your own words. Check and double check your reference list. One of the most common mistakes students make is that they quote certain sources, but they forget to list them in their bibliography or works cited page. After you finish writing your essay or research paper, go through the content and check that all sources are included in the reference list. This is a habit that will help you avoid plagiarism. Provide a full reference for all internet sources. While you might be tempted to simply mention the name of the website you retrieved the information from, this is not acceptable in academic writing. You need to find out who the author of the blog post or article is, and include their name in your references along with the date of publication. If you do not know the name of the author, you can simply use â€Å"Anon†, but never omit this information. Check Creative Commons agreements. You might want to use an image of a company’s logo or store as an illustration for your dissertation and essay, however, you need to check the usage rights before you do. Always search images and graphics through the Creative Commons website, and only use sources you are allowed to. Use advanced tools to detect plagiarism. You can use different tools, such as Grammarly or PaperRater to detect plagiarism before you submit your essay or course work to your university. Always be wary of FREE plagiarism scanning tool. Some companies might take your work publish it later down the road or in some cases it might be online within weeks. So, to avoid any problems, it is always better to pay for scanning your Essays. Always make it clear who stated what. You need to avoid ambiguity and always place the in-text reference after the quote or paraphrase. This way, the reader can easily associate the thought with the source. When in doubt, always cite. Citing more than necessary is always better than omitting citations. Add references when you feel like your paper could benefit from them. How Does our site Ensure Quality with No Plagiarism? As many of you know our Brand is reputable and respected in the online content world. We employ staff that can deliver quality work with the guarantee of 2.1 quality document. In addition, we promise to provide our clients Quality work that is never plagiarised or copied from anywhere with unlimited Edits. Every piece of work that is handed to you will be custom written just for you. We guarantee it. As a matter of policy, our site always performs two Plagiarism checks on each document. Each work is scanned and checked internally before you get it. Each piece of work goes thru manual review to make sure a third party reviews each and every document. By doing so, we ensure our clients are protected. If you have any doubts, you could request a plagiarism report. Do You Need Help with Avoiding Plagiarism? If you would like to make sure that you avoid plagiarism in your essay, you can contact the professional academic editors at our site to look through, edit, and improve your citations. Contact us to get professional help. Check out our sample Essay: Money Makes the World Go Round Summary Reviewer John – our site Admin Review Date 2017-08-18 Reviewed Item How to Avoid Plagiarism? Author Rating 5 How to cite 10 Time Tested Tips To Quickly Avoid Plagiarism, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Episcopal Mass Essay Example For Students
Episcopal Mass Essay Music of the Episcopal MassA Humorous approachJacob SconyersOn Sunday, December 3 I attended the Solemn Mass at the Church of the Advent, in the North End. Now, you have to understand that I am religiously challenged, at best. Ive been to my share of weddings and funerals, but growing up I averaged one regular church service every year or two. When I did go, it was either to Hardshell Baptist or Dunkard Bretheren services, with my father or mothers side of the family, respectively. Both these denominations focus heavily on simplicity and egalitarianism. The churches are usually one room, wooden affairs with a simple lectern. The music draws heavily on the English folk tradition, and the service is delivered in a straightforward manner. Imagine my trepidation, then, when I walked into this church, with its high, vaulted ceilings and an enormous, emaciated, and slightly malicious-looking Christ figure suspended thirty feet among my head. As I came through the entrance, the prelude bega n. It sounded like nothing less than the soundtrack to a horror movie, as the slasher is about to leap out and dice an innocent schoolgirl. The organ wailed in threatening, building minor chords and did nothing to allay my trepidation. I quickly found a seat in the back of the room. Then, what did I behold, but a procession of similarly robed, somber looking men waving banners, crosses, and other crystal and gold implements above their heads. As the leader passed me he began swinging a golden canister about his head, and noxious fumes poured out. My eyes and throat burned, and I thought some sort of crazy cultists had gassed me. The moment passed, however, and I realized that they were the leaders of the church, and it was nothing but incense. After parading in laps around the sanctuary, the procession moved to a raised platform upon which they performed strange rituals before an enormous granite-looking monolith. I later found out that this monolith was the altar, the first of many things in this service the churches of my childhood would have found wicked and sinful. Following the procession came Hymn 360, which all 100 of the parishioners present sang, while accompanied by the organ. It seemed to my untrained ea r to go from major to minor and back to major, but the major ending was significantly more solemn than the joyous beginning. Then came Hymn 486 (not to be confused with RU486), which was also sung by everyone and accompanied by organ. It blended seamlessly into the Cantus Missae. In fact, I didnt realize a new piece had begun until it ended and the Kyrie eleison followed. The Kyrie is something I am at least marginally familiar with, having studied it in HT 2. It was sung by the choir, without accompaniment. I think I heard some fugal elements in this piece, when different vocal sections would follow each other with identical musical lines. The minister (priest, friar, monk, reverend, etc. I dont know what to call him in their denomination) performed the Collect of the Day, which was very similar to recitative operatic style. It was definitely musical, but it held one note predominantly and moved almost entirely rhythmically. This would have been unheard of in any church I had set f oot in before. A Bible reading followed, about the end of the world. This was to be the topic of the day. The choir and organ then performed Psalm 60 in a musical style more melodic than the Collect, but still predominantly rhythmic. This was followed by another apocalyptic Bible verse. These allusions to the end of days put me on a familiar footing: they were a favorite in the Hardshell church. Little did I know what was coming. .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc , .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .postImageUrl , .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc , .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:hover , .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:visited , .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:active { border:0!important; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:active , .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc9d2ab9f37eed9d3ec257c871d541ecc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Julius Caesar Tragic Hero (Brutus) EssayA period of call and response chant between one of the officials of the church and the congregation came next. Then, there was yet another reading, this time from Luke, but again regarding Armageddon. Then came the Sermon, which was both the most familiar part of the service, but also the strangest. The preacher (again, I dont know what to call him) addressed the congregation in a congenial tone from a pulpit that, although raised, was not too dissimilar from those I had seen before. He began with a description of the events that are to accompany the end of the world, as found in Revelations and other books of the Bible. Preparing fo r the Rapture, the Second Coming, and Armageddon is a big part of the churches I had attended in the past, so this was friendly ground. Then, he began finding parallels in scientific theories. The big bang and universal contraction were addressed, and he put all the millennial predictions into scientific perspective. Both the churches I am familiar with believe in literal interpretation of the Bible, and they would have found this dilution of Gods supposed Earthly reign absolutely blasphemous. The congregation, choir, and officials began a series of prayers at this point. The first was sung by all, with accompaniment by the organ. Then came two prayers led by the officials in a spoken form. Concluding this section of the service was a ritual in which the congregation turn to one another, shake hands, and say Peace, like theyre some kind of holdover sixties hippie dirt merchants. The first part of the next section was the Offertory Anthem, which was performed by choir and organ, with some of the high notes sounding like badly synthesized trumpets. It began somewhat somberly, but the second verse was decidedly uptempo and joyous. Of course, it should sound joyous when your trying to convince people that they need to tithe 10%, and you want them to drop their hard earned cash into a jewel-encrusted gold plate. Next came another recitative prayer, sung solo by someone I couldnt quite see from my seat. From this point until people began taking communion, I became fairly badly lost. The prayers and hymns alternated fairly regularly between recitative style, choir pieces, and those performed by all, with one call and response section in the middle. After people had eaten their oh-so-holy crackers, another thing my grandmother would have been flabbergasted to see, the choir produced the Communion Sentence, which also had a very fugal feel. The service began to draw gradually to a close at this point. I think we studied motets in this class, and thats great because thats exactly what the choir and organ performed next. It was very upbeat and more happy-sounding than anything since the Offertory had been. The Post-Communion Prayer was accompanied by organ, as was the Blessing and Dismissal. Everyone sang along with the Organ on the last hymn. Then, the organ played another slasher tune to mark the Postlude, and the cultish figures in robes made some more laps around the sanctuary and vanished out a side door. As they passed people started breaking for the door, before the organ had even stopped moaning. I stuck around until the final chords had been ground out and the candles had been extinguished, then I tried to gracefully leave, and was only mildly rude to the guy in a robe and a hat with a topknot standing outside who kept asking if I was going to come back next week.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Victors personality Essay Example
Victors personality Paper In our present day we judge people before we meet them. We believe what we hear, truth or not, to be the true characteristics of the person. People should be more open-minded and not judge people by what they hear, because it may not be true. There are always two or more sides to a story. After meeting the person and forming our own perception of the person, we can make the decision whether to believe what we are told or how we feel about the individual. In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the monsters narrative plays an important role in the story. It provides the reader with the other side of the story. Before the monsters narrative we think of the monster as a mean and cruel individual. After the monsters narrative the reader feels sympathetic for the monster. Victor and the monster have different way of treating people; the monster approaches them with a mature attitude, while Victors attitude is immature. The narrative also gives the reader insight into the personality of Victor Frankenstein. The monsters narrative makes the reader sympathetic to the way the monster lives. The narrative is the center of the novel because our perception drastically changes upon reading it. Unlike the monsters narrative, Victors narrative leads us to believe that the monster is a horrifying creature. Victors narrative never tells us that the only thing that the monster wants is for people to be like and respect him for what is inside. When the monster was first created, he was amazed by the senses he had. He was able to see light and touch the objects around him. [He] was delighted when [he] first discovered that a pleasant sound, which often saluted [his] ears, proceeded from the throats of the little winged animals who had often intercepted the light from [his] eyes (130). We will write a custom essay sample on Victors personality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Victors personality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Victors personality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The monster then made his way to the village in search for food. He was amazed by the all the cottages and huts, and the all vegetables in the gardens. When he made his way to the store, he hardly placed [a] foot within the door, before the children shrieked, and one of the woman fainted (132). The monster had freighted the whole village. Some people fled, while others attacked him with stones and weapons until he fled to the open country. Everyone the monster encountered was too freighted to stop and try to understand him. Against the monsters wishes he was forced to confine himself to complete solitude. We start to feel more sympathetic for the monster because we start to see the hardship that the monster is going through. We feel that he does not deserve the solitude that he has been confined to. The monsters narrative illustrates that the monster is a kind and passionate person, who only wants friendship. Another advantage of the monsters narrative is to give the reader insight into the personality of Victor Frankenstein. It shows the hidden character of Victor, as the monster is an extension of Victors personality. Victor is the object of perfection; a handsome man with the perfect family. In contrast, the monster is the complete opposite; his appearance is frightful and he lives in solitude. Victor would not stay to observe his creation because he was scared of what he would see. He was terrified because parts of the monsters personality would remind him of himself, since he was the creator. To fulfill his desire for solitude, Victor would leave without telling anyone when or where he was going. The monster has the solitude that Victor craves; yet he longs for a companion. This relationship is ironic because neither character is happy with the life they have. Victor wants the life that the monster has, with complete solitude and not having to deal with anybody. The monster would like what Victor has; people to love him and be his friend. Victor prefers the solitude he has when he is at great distances from his family. He would write to them only when he felt it was utterly necessary. Victor feels afraid and does not want anyone to love him, unlike the monster. The monster wants people to love him and respect him for who he is.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Daily Record Gas Howard Essay
Daily Record Gas Howard Essay Daily Record Gas Howard Essay NEWS  » COMMENTARY  » BLOGS  » JOBS PUBLIC NOTICES SPECIAL PRODUCTS  » EVENTS  » SERVICES  » Howard County considers gas station restrictions By: Associated Press January 2, 2014 COLUMBIA - Howard County planning officials are considering whether to place limits on new gas stations built in the county. WBAL Radio reports the planning board is holding a hearing Thursday night on a proposal that would prevent business with more than four gas pumps from being built within 1,000 feet of an existing station. It would also restrict new gas stations from being built near schools, parks or environmentally sensitive areas. The Howard County Independent Business Association, which includes some gas stations, has been seeking the change. But the county’s planning director, Marsha McLaughlin, is recommending that the planning board reject the proposed restrictions. She said there is â€Å"no compelling reason†to change the current restrictions. Another business coalition, led by Royal Farms, is opposing the change. A spokesman said the convenience store chain is considering adding new stores in Howard County but has no definite building plans. Opponents released an economic study by the Regional Economic Studies Institute at Towson University showing that gasoline prices in Howard County are among the highest in Maryland because of the county’s current restrictions on gas stations. The study found the average price of gas in Howard County in 2012 was $3.65 per gallon, and only Montgomery County had a higher average at $3.70 per gallon. Dr. Darius Irani, the institute’s executive director, said Howard County’s current zoning restrictions limit where gas stations can be placed, helping to drive up prices. Former Howard and Anne Arundel County Planning Director Joe Rutter also is opposing the measure, saying it would discourage development of new supermarkets, convenience stores or car washes that also sell gasoline. â€Å"It flies in the face of wanting redevelopment that would be more mixed use, and attractive than the older facilities,†Rutter said. Read more: http://thedailyrecord.com/2014/01/02/howard-county-considers-gas-station-restrictions/#ixzz2xeIiD7iV Howard County considers gas station restrictions Planning board to hold hearing Thursday WBAL Published 12:20 PM EST Jan 02, 2014 1 NEXT STORY Official: Stevenson incident possibly 'poor judgment' VIEW LARGE COLUMBIA, Md. - Planning officials in Howard County are considering whether there should be limits on new gas stations in the county. RELATED Serious crash forces street closures... Police: Man robbed at gunpoint in... Board to vote on status of Md.... 3-alarm fire destroys Gaithersburg... Official: Stevenson incident... The planning board will hold a hearing Thursday on proposed restrictions that would prevent businesses with more than four gas pumps from being built within 1,000 feet of an existing station, a school, a park or an environmentally sensitive area. The Howard County Independent Business Association is seeking the change. The association's membership includes gas station owners. Another business coalition, led by Royal Farms, is opposing the measure. A spokesman for the coalition told WBAL-AM that the convenience store chain has no definite plans to build new stores in Howard County but is considering adding stores there. Former Howard County and Anne Arundel County Planning Director Joe Rutter will testify for the opponents. Rutter told WBAL that the proposed restrictions will discourage the development of new supermarkets, convenience stores or car washes that also sell gasoline. "It flies in the face of wanting redevelopment that would be more mixed use, and more attractive than the older facilities," Rutter told WBAL. Opponents have also released an economic study that shows that gasoline prices in Howard County are the highest in the Baltimore area and among the highest in the state because of the county's current restrictions on gas stations. The study by
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Three Heros, A Similar Journey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Three Heros, A Similar Journey - Essay Example The work The Odyssey unveils the adventurous life of Odysseus the hero, and his journey towards homeland. Thesis statement: The research on different journeys of the heroes in Beowulf, Gilgamesh, and The Odyssey prove that their journeys are similar in some way or other (special references to Beowulf, Gilgamesh and Odysseus). Comparison: Beowulf, Gilgamesh and Odysseus The comparison is based on four factors: similarities, problems, gain and effect of the journeys conducted/ undertaken by Beowulf, Gilgamesh and Odysseus. A. Similarities shared by their journeys In his adventurous journey, Beowulf primarily aims to defeat three of his enemies. His status at Geatland as a hero encourages him to help Hrothgar (a Danish king), to defeat and kill a beast and its mother (Grendel and his mother). In the work Beowulf: a new verse translation, a translation by R. M. Liuzza, Hrothgar points out about Beowulf that â€Å"he has thirty men’s strength, strong in battle, in his handgripâ₠¬ (65). Later, he undertakes another adventurous journey to kill an unnamed dragon at Earnanaes in Geatland. On the other side, Gilgamesh’s adventurous journey is similar to Beowulf’s journey. For instance, his journey to the Cedar Mountain, with his companion Enkidu, was to accomplish their dangerous task of defeating Humbaba. This journey and victory encourages them to undertake another adventurous task to kill the Bull of Heaven. One can easily identify that adventure is the motivation for Beowulf and Gilgamesh. The epic poem The Odyssey mainly focuses upon the adventurous life of Odysseus, the hero. The epic poem unveils Odysseus’s homeward journey after participating in the Trojan War. One can easily identify that Odysseus’s adventurous journey is similar to the other two adventurous journeys because his aim was to lead an adventurous life away from his homeland. Like Beowulf and Gilgamesh, Odysseus is not attracted by a peaceful life in his homela nd with his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus. In short, the similarities shared by the journeys of Beowulf Gilgamesh and Odysseus include their noble aim and unending passion towards adventurous life. Besides, they were heroes at their homelands and were brave enough to fight with supernatural forces. B. The problems they did encounter during their journeys The problems encountered by Beowulf during his first journey include the fight with Grendel and his mother. As pointed out earlier, Beowulf’s status as a hero encouraged him to undertake this dangerous journey and to fight with supernatural elements. This proves that Beowulf was ready to face problems in his life and to help others. Later, Beowulf became the king of Geatland. When a dragon began to attack his people, he decided to fight with it and to kill it. During the battle, Beowulf was severely injured and it resulted in his death in the end. One can easily identify that the natural obstacle faced by Beowulf inclu de the rocky dwelling place of the Dragon and the cave in which Grendel’s mother used to live in. On the other side, the problems faced by Gilgamesh include the fight with Humbaba and a supernatural element, namely the Bull of Heaven. But his companion Enkidu helped him to overcome the problems during their journeys. In the work The epic of Gilgamesh, translated by Maureen Gallery Kovacs, Gilgamesh is described as â€Å"There is on one stronger than heâ€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
BAIDU & GOOGLE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BAIDU & GOOGLE - Research Paper Example The reasons of the above outcome are analyzed below; emphasis is given on the criteria on which the expansion of Google across the Chinese market was based. The reasons for the failure of Google in the Chinese market are also critically discussed. Despite its success in the global market, Google has not managed to acquire the dominance of the Chinese market as an advanced Search Engine machine. In fact, in accordance with a report published by the Search Engine Journal, the share of Google in the Chinese market has been estimated to 32.8% - whereas Baidu controls ‘the 56.8% of the search share’ (Baker 2008). It should be noted though that no significant competition seems to exist in the specific sector – it is noted that Baidu and Google control the 90% of the search share in China. ... wever, the time lost has been significant and Google is currently trying to cover the gap caused because of its short-term exit from the Chinese market. However, in accordance with Hotchkiss (2011) the reasons for the failure of Google in China are not just regulatory; it seems that the specific search engine cannot respond – at least not as effectively as – to the technical demands of the specific sector – emphasis is given on the structure of Chinese characters and the severe delays that can be reported when using these characters in a Search Engine machine. Moreover, it seems that the development of Google China has not helped towards the resolution of the above problem – as it could be possibly expected. The above problem is made clear through the following example: in a study developed by Hotchkiss (2011) in North America and China the time of response of Search Engines was set under comparison. In the case of search through Google – using West ern language – a time period of 8 up to 10 seconds has been required to retrieve the results. However, when using Google China the response to a search query ‘took about 30 seconds, and with Baidu over 55 seconds’ (Hotchkiss 2011). Apart from the time of response, the presentation of the findings is also problematic – referring to Google China. It is explained by Hotchkiss (2011) that the vertical scan (based on relevance) used commonly for checking the results cannot work in the case of Google China; instead it is necessary to check the whole list of results in order to select the required one (Hotchkiss 2011). In accordance with the above, the ability of Google to respond to the needs of Chinese people can be strongly doubted. At the next level, the following fact should be mentioned: in a recent (2011)
Monday, November 18, 2019
Foreman (1991) states that we must change our personal life-styles to Coursework
Foreman (1991) states that we must change our personal life-styles to make them more harmonious with natural diversity. Discuss to what extent humans are able to do this - Coursework Example Although this knowledge has been passed through generations in form of art, ceremonies, dances, stories and direct instructions, the indigenous practices to preservation of natural diversity have faded immensely due to globalization, industrialization and colonization. Today, the knowledge has been incorporated in formal education in subjects such as social studies, geography and science. Furthermore, there are many documentaries advocating for the harmonious co-existence between humanity and the natural environment by imploring on the human beings to make lifestyle changes to accommodate the natural thriving of the ecosystem. Foreman’s defines of protection of the ecosystem advocates for the principle of self-realization that one is part of the natural ecosystem. In this case, defending the land and protecting natural diversity is equivalent to protecting human life and the future generation. In support of this, he illustrates that, â€Å"when we fully identify with a wild place, then, monkey wrenching becomes self-defence, which is a fundamental right†(Foreman, 140). Destruction of the earth and disturbance of the ecosystem is taken as an insult. Edward Abbey, in the prologue to Foreman’s Ecodefence, compares the destruction of natural diversity with a situation of burglary. In the event of the burglary, â€Å"the householder has both the right and obligation to defend himself, his family and his property by whatever means are necessary. This right and this obligation is universally recognized, justified, and even praised by all civilized human communities.†(Abbey, 3). By co ncurring the argument posited by Abbey, it is an acknowledgement that when earth, which is our land and our home, faces destructive threats, then it is out obligation and our right to guard it by application of all means that are effective. As such, this study seeks to explore the extent
Saturday, November 16, 2019
An Introduction Of British Cuisin
An Introduction Of British Cuisin British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. Historically, British cuisine means unfussy dishes made with quality local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavour, rather than disguise it. However, British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence of those that have settled in Britain, producing hybrid dishes, such as the South Asian chicken tikka masala, hailed as Britains true national dish. Sunday roast consisting of roast beef, roast potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding Vilified as unimaginative and heavy, British cuisine has traditionally been limited in its international recognition to the full breakfast and the Christmas dinner. However, Celtic agriculture and animal breeding produced a wide variety of foodstuffs for indigenous Celts and Britons. Anglo-Saxon England developed meat and savoury herb stewing techniques before the practice became common in Europe. The Norman conquest introduced exotic spices into England in the Middle Ages. The British Empire facilitated a knowledge of Indias elaborate food tradition of strong, penetrating spices and herbs. Food rationing policies, put in place by the British government during wartime periods of the 20th century, are said to have been the stimulus for British cuisines poor international reputation. British dishes include fish and chips, the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, and bangers and mash. British cuisine has several national and regional varieties, including English, Scottish and Welsh cuisine, which each have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which are geographically indicated foods such as Cheshire cheese, the Yorkshire pudding, Arbroath Smokier, and Welsh cakes. British cuisine speciality Dishes made with quality local ingredients Simple sauces to accentuate flavour British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence Anglo-Saxon England developed meat and savoury herb The Norman conquest introduced exotic spices into England in the Middle Ages Regional varieties, including English, Scottish and Welsh cuisine Geographically indicated foods Contents 1 History 2 Modern British cuisine 3 Varieties 3.1 Anglo-Indian cuisine 3.2 English cuisine 3.3 Gibraltarian cuisine 3.4 Northern Irish cuisine 3.5 Scottish cuisine 3.6 Welsh cuisine 4 Cured meats and vegetables 5 curing (food preservation) 5.1 Chemical actions 5.1.1 Salt 5.1.2 Sugar 5.1.3 Nitrates and nitrites 5.1.4 Smoke 5.2 History 5.3 Some cured food products 6 Salt cured meat 7 Bacon 8 Pork 9 curing storage vegetables 10 References History Romano-British agriculture, highly fertile soils and advanced animal breeding produced a wide variety of very high quality foodstuffs for indigenous Romano-British people. Anglo-Saxon England developed meat and savoury herb stewing techniques and the Norman conquest reintroduced exotic spices and continental influences back into Great Britain in the Middle Ages as maritime Britain became a major player in the transcontinental spice trade for many centuries after. Following the Protestant Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries plain and robust food remained the mainstay of the British diet, reflecting tastes which are still shared with neighbouring north European countries and traditional North American Cuisine. In the 18th and 19th centuries, as the Colonial British Empire began to be influenced by Indias elaborate food tradition of strong, penetrating spices and herbs, the United Kingdom developed a worldwide reputation for the quality of British beef and pedigree bulls were exp orted to form the bloodline of major modern beef herds in the New World. Fish and chips, a popular take-away food of the United Kingdom. During the World Wars of the 20th century difficulties of food supply were countered by official measures which included rationing. The problem was worse in the second World War and the Ministry of Food was established to address the problems. See Rationing in the United Kingdom during and after World War II. Due to the economic problems following the war rationing continued for some years afterwards. Food rationing policies, put in place by the British government during wartime periods of the 20th century, are often claimed as the stimulus for the decline of British cuisine in the twentieth century. In common with many advanced economies, rapid urbanisation and the early industrialisation of food production as well as female emancipation have resulted in a highly modern consumer society with reduced connection to the rural environment and adherence to traditional household roles. Consequently food security has increasingly become a major popular concern. Concerns over the quality and nutritional value of industrialised food production led to the creation of the Soil Association in 1946. Its principles of organic farming are now widely promoted and accepted as an essential element of contemporary food culture by many sections of the UK population, and animal welfare in farming is amongst the most advanced in the world. The last half of the 20th century saw an increase in the availability of a greater range of good quality fresh products and greater willingness by many sections of the British population to vary their diets and select dishes from other cultures such as those of Ita ly and India. Modern British cuisine Modern British (or New British) cuisine is a style of British cooking which fully emerged in the late 1970s, and has become increasingly popular. It uses high-quality local ingredients, preparing them in ways which combine traditional British recipes with modern innovations, and has an affinity with the Slow Food movement. It is not generally a nostalgic movement, although there are some efforts to re-introduce pre-twentieth-century recipes. Ingredients not native to the islands, particularly herbs and spices, are frequently added to traditional dishes (echoing the highly spiced nature of much British food in the medieval era). The custom of afternoon tea and scones has its origins in Imperial Britain. Much Modern British cooking also draws heavily on influences from Mediterranean cuisines, and more recently, Middle Eastern, South Asian, East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. The traditional influence of northern and central European cuisines is significant but fading. The Modern British style of cooking emerged as a response to the depressing food rationing that persisted for several years after the Second World War, along with restrictions on foreign currency exchange, making travel difficult. A hunger for exotic cooking was satisfied by writers such as Elizabeth David, who from 1950 produced evocative books whose recipes (mostly French and Mediterranean) were then often impossible to produce in Britain, where even olive oil could only normally be found in chemists rather than food stores. By the 1960s foreign holidays, and foreign-style restaurants in Britain, further widened the popularity of foreign cuisine. Recent Modern British cuisine has been very much influenced and popularised by TV chefs, all also writing books, such as Fanny Cradock, Robert Carrier, Delia Smith, Gordon Ramsay, Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver, alongside the Food Programme, made by BBC Radio 4. Anglo-Indian cuisine Anglo-Indian cuisine is the often distinct cuisine of the Anglo-Indian community in both Britain and India. Some Anglo-Indian dishes involve traditional British cuisine, such as roast beef, with cloves, red chillies, and other Indian spices. Fish or meat is often cooked in curry form with Indian vegetables. Anglo-Indian food often involves use of coconut, yogurt and almonds. Roasts and curries, rice dishes, and breads all have a distinctive flavour. Some well-known Anglo-Indian dishes are salted beef tongue, kedgeree, fish rissoles, and mulligatawny. The cuisines sweetmeats include seasonal favourites like the kul-kuls and rose-cookies traditionally made at Christmas time. There is also a great deal of innovation to be seen in their soups, entrees, side dishes, sauces and salads. Some early restaurants in England served Anglo-Indian food, such as Veeraswamy in Regent Street, London, and their sister restaurant, Chutney Mary. They have however, largely reverted to the standard Indian dishes that are better known to the British public. The term is also used for the Indian dishes adapted during the British Raj in India, some of which later became fashionable in Britain. The British also introduced some European foods to India which are still eaten now, such as beetroot. The fusion cuisine between Indian ingredients or spices and British ingredients such as bread, bacon and baked beans is also known as Brit Indi cuisine. This term was popularised by Manju Malhi. English cuisine English cuisine is shaped by the climate of England, its island geography and its history. The latter includes interactions with other European countries, and the importing of ingredients and ideas from places such as North America, China and southern Asia during the time of the British Empire and as a result of immigration. Gibraltarian cuisine This article is part of the series: Culture of Gibraltar Gibraltarian cuisine is the result of a long relationship between the Andalucian Spaniards and the British, as well as the many foreigners who made Gibraltar their home over the past three centuries. The culinary influences include those from Malta, Genoa, Portugal, Andalusia and England. This marriage of tastes has given Gibraltar an eclectic mix of Mediterranean and British cuisine. Below are some examples of typical Gibraltarian dishes. Pasta Rosto Fideos al horno Bread Savoury Calentita Panissa Sweet Bollo de hornasso Pan dulce Meat Rolitos Pastries Japonesa Northern Irish cuisine Irish cuisine is a style of cooking originating from Ireland or developed by Irish people. It evolved from centuries of social and political change. The cuisine takes its influence from the crops grown and animals farmed in its temperate climate. The introduction of the potato in the second half of the sixteenth century heavily influenced cuisine thereafter. Irish beef is exported worldwide and renowned for its high quality. Representative Irish dishes are Irish stew, bacon and cabbage, boxty, coddle, and colcannon. Scottish cuisine Scottish cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with Scotland. It shares much with British cuisine, but has distinctive attributes and recipes of its own. Traditional Scottish dishes such as haggis and shortbread exist alongside international foodstuffs brought about by migration. Scotland is known for the high quality of its beef, potatoes and oats. In addition to foodstuffs, Scotland produces a variety of whiskies. Welsh cuisine Welsh cuisine has influenced, and been influenced by, other British cuisine. Although both beef and dairy cattle are raised widely, especially in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, Wales is best known for its sheep, and thus lamb is the meat traditionally associated with Welsh cooking. Cured meats and vegetables Bacon and kippers Northern European countries generally have a tradition of salting, smoking, pickling and otherwise preserving foods. Kippers, bloaters, ham, and bacon are some of the varieties of preserved meat and fish known in England. Onions, cabbage and some other vegetables may be pickled. Smoked cheese is not common or traditional, although apple-wood smoked cheddar has become available in many supermarkets.[citation needed] Meats other than pork are generally not cured. The three breakfasts a day principle can be implemented by eating bacon sandwiches at any time. (In parts of northern England these have local names such as bacon sarnies or bacon butties.) Sandwiches England can claim to have given the world the word sandwich, although the eponymous John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich was not the first to add a filling to bread. Fillings such as pickled relishes and Gentlemans Relish could also be considered distinctively English. Common types of sandwich are ham, cheese, salad and non-traditional forms such as the ploughmans lunch (cheese and pickle). Curing (food preservation) Curing refers to various food preservation and flavouring processes, especially of meat or fish, by the addition of a combination of salt, sugar, nitrates or nitrite. Many curing processes also involve smoking. Chemical actions The chemical actions of curing are highly complex with slow reactions of proteins and fats through autolysis and oxidation. These reactions can be driven by auto-oxidation alone though it is typically accompanied by enzymes in the curing food as well as beneficial fungi and bacteria. To enable these slow curing reactions and prevent rapid decomposition through rotting, water is extracted from the food and the food is made inhospitable to micro-organisms. This is usually done by applying salt and a combination of other ingredients to cure the food. Salt Table salt, which consists primarily of sodium chloride, is the most important ingredient for curing food and is used in relatively large quantities. Salt kills and inhibits the growth of microorganisms by drawing water out of the cells of both microbe and food alike through osmosis. Concentrations of salt up to 20% are required to kill most species of unwanted bacteria. Once properly salted, the foods interior contains enough salt to exert osmotic pressures that prevent or retard the growth of many undesirable microbes. Sugar Although often used in curing to give a pleasant taste, sugar can also be used to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria such as those of the Lactobacillus genus. Dextrose or sucrose that is used in this fashion ferments the food. As the unwanted bacterial growth is delayed, the salt tolerant lactobacillus out competes them and further prevents their growth by generating an acidic environment (around 4.5 pH) through production of lactic acid. This inhibits the growth of other microbes and accounts for the tangy flavour of some cured products. Nitrates and nitrites Nytrosyl-heme Nitrates and nitrites not only help kill bacteria, but also produce a characteristic flavour and give meat a pink or red colour. The use of Nitrates in food preservation is controversial, though, due to the potential for the formation of nitrosamines when the preserved food is cooked at high temperature. The usage of either compound is therefore carefully regulated; for example, in the United States, the concentration of Nitrates and Nitrites is generally limited to 200 ppm or lower. However, they are considered irreplaceable in the prevention of botulinum poisoning from consumption of dry-cured sausages by preventing spore germination. A 2007 study by Columbia University suggests a link between eating cured meats and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nitrites were posited as a possible cause. Smoke Although more frequently used for flavor than preservation, smoke is an antimicrobial and antioxidant. The smoke particles adhere to the outer surfaces of food, inhibiting bacterial growth and oxidation. History of curing The practice of curing meat was widespread among historical civilizations, as a safeguard against wasting food and the possibility of a poor harvest. Although a salt-rich diet is currently implicated in risk for heart disease, in the past food shortage was the greater problem. Salt cod, which was air-dried in cool northern Europe, was a civilization-changing food product, in that a bountiful but perishable food supply could be converted to a form that allowed for wide travel and thus exploration. Salted meat was widely used as a food source on ships during the Age of Sail, as it is non-perishable and easily stored. Eric Newby wrote that salted meats constituted the majority of shipboard diet even as late as his cruise aboard Moshulu (which lacked any refrigeration) in 1938. Salted meat and fish are commonly eaten as a staple of the diet in North Africa, Southern China and in the Arctic. Some cured food products Cured animal products: Beef Biltong Corned beef Bresaola Tapa Lomo Pork Ham Prosciutto Jambon de Bayonne Jamà ³n serrano Jinhua ham Coppa Capicola Lardon Bacon and Pancetta Elenski but Sausage Salami Pepperoni Chorizo Linguià §a Chinese Sausage (lap cheung) Fish Anchovy Salt cod Lox (salmon) Pickled herring Cured vegetable products: Tofu Sauerkraut Kimchi Pickled cucumbers Pickled beets Olive (fruit) Salt-cured meat A bagel containing salt beef and mustard A packet of salted fish sold in a Singapore supermarket Salt-cured meat or salted meat, for example bacon and kippered herring, is meat or fish preserved or cured with salt. Salting, either with dry salt or brine, was the only widely available method of preserving food until the 19th century. Salt inhibits the growth of micro organisms by drawing water out of microbial cells through osmosis. Concentrations of salt up to 20% are required to kill most species of unwanted bacteria. Smoking, often used in the process of curing meat, adds chemicals to the surface of meat that reduce the concentration of salt required. Salted meat and fish are a staple of the diet in North Africa, Southern China, and in the Arctic. Salted meat was a staple of the mariners diet in the Age of Sail. It was stored in barrels, and often had to last for months spent out of sight of land. The basic Royal Navy diet consisted of salted beef, salted pork, ships biscuit, and oatmeal, supplemented with smaller quantities of peas, cheese and butter. [1] Even in 1938, Eric Newby found the diet on the tall ship Moshulu to consist almost entirely of salted meat. Moshulus lack of refrigeration left little choice as the ship made voyages which could exceed 100 days passage between ports. Salt beef in the UK and Commonwealth as a cured and boiled foodstuff is sometimes known as corned beef elsewhere, though traditional salt beef is different in taste and preparation. The use of the term corned comes from the fact that the Middle English word corn could refer to grains of salt as well as cereal grains. Bacon Uncooked pork belly bacon strips Bacon is a cured meat prepared from a pig. It is first cured in a brine or in a dry packing, both containing large amounts of salt; the result is fresh bacon (also green bacon). Fresh bacon may then be further dried for weeks or months (usually in cold air), boiled, or smoked. Fresh and dried bacon must be cooked before eating. Boiled bacon is ready to eat, as is some smoked bacon, but either may be cooked further before eating. Meat from other animals, such as beef, lamb, chicken, goat, or turkey, may also be cut, cured, or otherwise prepared to resemble bacon, and may even be referred to as bacon. Such use is common in areas with significant Jewish and Muslim populations. The USDA defines bacon as the cured belly of a swine carcass; other cuts and characteristics must be separately qualified (e.g., smoked pork loin bacon). For safety, bacon must be treated for trichinella, a parasitic roundworm which can be destroyed by heating, freezing, drying, or smoking. Pork Pork tenderloin served French-style Pork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig (Sus domesticus), which is eaten in many countries. The word pork denotes specifically the fresh meat of the pig, but it is often mistakenly used as an all-inclusive term which includes cured, smoked, or processed meats (ham, bacon, prosciutto, etc.) It is one of the most-commonly consumed meats worldwide, with evidence of pig husbandry dating back to 5000 BC. Pork is eaten in various forms, including cooked (as roast pork), cured (some hams, including the Italian prosciutto) or smoked or a combination of these methods (other hams, gammon, bacon or Pancetta). It is also a common ingredient of sausages. Charcuterie is the branch of cooking devoted to prepared meat products, many from pork. Pork is a taboo food item in Islam and Judaism, and its consumption is forbidden in some sects of these two religions. Curing Storage Vegetables Some of your storage vegetables need to be cured before storage; some dont. If you cure vegetables that dont need to be cured, theyll rot. And if you dont cure vegetables that do need to be cured, theyll rot too. Time for a good list! Vegetable Curing method Beet none Cabbage none Carrot none Garlic 1 2 weeks in a warm, dry place Onion 2 3 weeks in a warm, dry place Parsnip none Potato 2 weeks at 50 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 95% humidity (slightly warmer than a root cellar) Sweet Potato 2 weeks at 80 85 degrees Fahrenheit (dry) Turnip none Winter Squash (including Pumpkins) 2 weeks in a warm, dry place. (Dont cure acorn squash!) Curing serves a couple of purposes. In all crops except white potatoes, a primary purpose is to dry the vegetable up so that it wont rot in storage. White and sweet potatoes and winter squashes develop a hard skin during curing that will protect the crop during storage. The cheapest and easiest method come up with for curing vegetables is to lay them out on some old window screens by the side of the road. the first screen on four cinderblocks, cover the screen with drying vegetables, then put bricks on the four corners of the frame to let put another screen on top for a second drying layer. The trick is to get good air circulation all the way around your vegetables, so dont pile the roots on top of each other. People with more space will get away with drying their vegetables inside, but our trailer just isnt big enough to handle that type of operation. Instead, Harvest my crops a bit earlier than other folks might and put drying racks under a tarp or roof outside to cure storage vegetables before the frost hits.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Far and Away :: essays research papers
Far and Away fades in with a slow fly-over shot of a crashing Atlantic Ocean on a partly sunny day, off the coast of what could not be mistaken for anywhere but Ireland. The wide-angled overhead continues, and the film title emerges as the camera lifts up and over the craggy cliffs and shoreline of rural Ireland; our sense of place reinforced by a backing of cheery Celtic flute music. The opening credits continue to roll as the camera glides over a lush green, hilly landscape, accented by late afternoon silhouettes of the partial cloud cover, and perhaps best described by Carolyn James in her review as â€Å"picturesque in the manner of an Irish Spring soap commercial†. Gradually, what we assume to be a late 19th century Irish village comes into view, characterized by a handful of rudimentary stone buildings, narrow carriage roads, and stone walls. The camera view switches to brief shot of the street level in the village, the music replaced by the bustle of the everyday activities of the townspeople, before taking us into the local pub. It should be noted here that from street level, this village does not much resemble the romantic vision of the same village provided by the aerial shot. Even in such a short shot, the village appears more urban than it probably should, and if not for the natural light, would not differ greatly from the scenes of urban Boston later in the film. It is in the pub that we first meet Joseph’s father (Joe) and a friend (McGuire) who appear to be perpetuating stereotypes by sharing a drink (or two) in the middle of the day and singing a favourite drinking refrain before being summoned to the street by a local to protest the arrival of a rent collecting protestant landlord. The camera scrambles to follow the protest out into the street as the villagers yell and throw debris at the landlord’s carriage and horses. Here the early comedic groundwork of the film is set as the scene essentially stops to allow Joe to blurt out a semi-drunken slurred barb toward the landlord, to which McGuire responds with a coy smile and a sarcastic â€Å"You told him†type response. The protest resumes (or, at least the film refocuses on the protest), and in the chaos of the landlord trying to escape the villagers, his horses and/or carriage knock over some sort of infrastructure (it is quite unclear what actually happens here) whic h falls on, and injuries Joe gravely.
Monday, November 11, 2019
South Africa Is Our Only Real Mother
The hand that rocks the cradle, Is the hand that rules the world. These are the wise words of William Wallace. I agree with him: A mother knows how to educate her children. For us South Africa is our only real mother. Plinks said: People undertake great Journeys to faraway places to see things that they don't appreciate in their own country. Our Mother South Africa cares about us, and therefore she takes us to her Art Museum filled with all her beautiful treasures of nature. Table Mountain with its cloudy table-cloth, is the beacon where a new nation was born.Then she takes us on the Garden Route through Cornerstones with its bonbons and protease. According to the description of the poet Liana Spies, Unequalled is the place where God's seed sachet was leaking†¦ When Spring starts, the earth is covered with thousands of colored flowers that take your breath away! From there she takes you on a game drive to the big five. Nowhere else in the world will you find this unique variety of wild life: Lions, Elephants, Rhino, Buffalo's and Leopards. It is the dream of every hunter to have a trophy of one of these animals as part of his hunting collection- Says PeterWeakened in the magazine â€Å"Go†of Cot 08. A mother definitely spoils her child. South Africa has many resources. If you open the tap, the water is running. If you drive into the countryside, you see the crop fields, vineyards, fruit orchards, vegetable farms and plantations that provide food and oxygen to Mother Africans children. If you walk out the door and see children play, you realize that that is a privilege – Says Urdu van Wok in ROI Rose of July 08. Oversees cluster houses with no garden at all, are the normal way of living. So, appreciate the open blue, African Sky!Ecologist Sydney Wright said: The earth is our playground. Mother South Africa nurtures us. We are all caught up in the rat race against time. We run around like mad dogs, being uptight and stiff-lipped. Then Mother S outh Africa puts her arms around us and takes us on a trip to the beach where we can revivalist our souls. It doesn't matter what we enjoy most: The fresh sea breeze, the deep blue ocean, the hot white sand, or the hot brown bodies†¦.! South Africans are known as the sun-seekers of the world. And when the sun sets, we turn to the company of a barbecue with friends and loved ones. Amp steak and the call of the hyena†¦ No wonder the English Pompoms me. Y us and try to copy-cat our â€Å"brainless. †I call their poor excuse for meat on a TV-briar, a â€Å"Barbie†! Ladies and gentlemen†¦ According to National Geographic, South Africa has 5 of the world's top rated nature reserves. We are lucky that Mother South Africa cuddles us with her beautiful scenery. She spoils us by keeping our food stores full, And provides us with exotic places to relax and revivalist. Mother South Africa is a country that provides us with what the Afrikaans poet – C Louis L eopold – describes as: â€Å"Summer, sun and sapphire for me!!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Second Coming essays
Second Coming essays The Second Coming (pp. 1109-10), by W. B. Yeats is a very good poem in which Yeats explains his position that events in time move in two thousand year cycles. He compares the movement of time to a gyre (1) or funnel that gets wider, or narrower, as you move from one end to another. In The Second Coming, Yeats tells us that a widening cycle that began with the birth of Jesus continued for twenty centuries (19). Yeats says that some revelation is at hand; . . . Second Coming is at hand (10-11), to tell the reader that the twentieth century marked the beginning of the new, narrowing cycle in which much of the progress of the previous cycle becomes unraveled and deteriorates into anarchy (4). He uses the Sphinx, which has a lions body and a humans head (14), to symbolize the coming of something. Yeats views this second coming as something negative. This shows in his use of the phrases: darkness drops again (18) and vexed to nightmare (20). It also shows in use of the word Bethlehem in the phrase slouching toward Bethlehem (22). Here, Bethlehem does not refer to the actual city in present-day Israel, which is the site of much unrest and the birthplace of Jesus. Yeats uses Bethlehem in a figurative sense to mean that something is about to be born; it can also be a reference to bedlam or anarchy, as mentioned in line 4. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Communist China Essays - Republic Of China, Republics, Free Essays
Communist China Essays - Republic Of China, Republics, Free Essays Communist China Communism in an Economically Developing China The future of communism in China is unknown, as the world economy becomes more international. Communism has been in China since 1949 and is still present in the countrys activities. Presently China is undergoing incredible economic growth and promises to be a dominant power early in the next century. Chinas social tradition has come under heavy pressure from forces of modernization generated in a large part by the sustained contact with the West that began in the middle of the nineteenth century. The Western incursion, not only refined China militarily but brought in its course new ideas- nationalism, science and technology, and innovations in politics, philosophy, and art. Chinese leaders have sought to preserve the nations cultural uniqueness by promoting specifically Chinese blends of tradition and modernity. China has undergone several major political transformations from a feudal-like system in early historical times, to a centralized bureaucratic empire that lasted through many unpredictable changes till 1911, to a republic with a communist form of government in the mainland since 1949. Economic geography and population pressure help account for the traditionally controlling role of the state in China. The constant indispensability for state interference, whether for great public works programs or simply to keep such a large society together, brought up an authoritarian political system. The family prevailed as the fundamental social, economic, and religious unit. Interdependence was very prominent in family relations while generation, age, sex and immediacy of kinship strictly governed relations within the family. Family rather than nation usually created the greatest allegiances with the result that nationalism as known to the West came late to the Chinese. In principle, the elite in the authoritarian political system achieved their positions through merit rather than birth or wealth. There was an examination system that provided a vehicle for recruiting talented citizens to serve the emperor, which was a valuable and unusual institution in a society characterized by personal connections. Democracy, individualism, and private property were kept carefully in check. Central state authority, however, rarely penetrated to the local level. Chinese leaders invented bureaucracy to keep the country unified and mastered the art of keeping government small. The Chinese search for a modern state began in the nineteenth century when two major sources of disorder overwhelmed the imperial institutions: domestic disintegration and foreign invasion. Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Chinese population had doubled and redoubled. The problem of the population explosion created tremendous pressure on the limited farmland to provide sufficient food supply. For economic, religious, of ethnic reasons, peasant uprisings began to erupt. Moreover, beginning with the Opium War of 1832-1842, the imperial army suffered a series of defeats at the hands of the industrial powers of the West. The image of a shattering imperial dynasty directed rebellion and dissolution within China, exemplified by the Taiping Rebellion of 1851-1864 that nearly toppled the Qing dynasty. (Zheng, Party vs. State in Post-1949 China, 30) The reform measures in the first decade of this century were aimed at replacing dynastic rule with a new form of government. Among the most significant changes was the abolition of the civil service exam in 1905, which virtually cut off the connections among the emperor, the ruling ideology, and the official gentry. This time the imperial rulers hoped to save themselves by experimenting with some new institutional adaptations. A revolution was menacing; students who had returned from abroad came with ideas harmful to the imperial rule. Following the overthrow of the imperial regime in the Revolution of 1922, central authority dissipated and the country was divided among regional warlords. Reunification, begun by the Nationalist government under the Kuomintang (KMT); was interrupted by the Japanese invasion in the 1930s. The unparalleled institutional crisis hastened the Chinese search for alternative means of reorganizing China. Since the last dynasty, Qing, collapsed construction of a modern Chinese state had been the goal shared by many Chinese modernizers. For them, this magnificent goal meant that China could one-day stand in the world community on an equal footing with other member states. While the first two decades of this century may have saw China in Chaos, this time period also produced a free intellectual environment. (Qtd. Imfeld, China as
Monday, November 4, 2019
MGT paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MGT paper - Essay Example White collar jobs emphasizes professionalism in that, a person work in the field where he or she has the knowledge, skills and experience. In a white collar work setting, it is possible for workers to work in any area they prefer, but work is dictated by a person’s training in a particular career field (Hoop and Wolzansky 64). Since white collar workers do their job in an office setting, their productivity can be measured in a number of ways. First, the productivity of white collar workers can be measured by assessing worker engagement. Worker engagement refers to the interest that workers have in the various task that they are delegated in the office. Where the workers are dissatisfied with their working environment, they tend to shirk thus affecting the productivity of the company in terms of reaching the established goals. Worker involvement can be used to measure productivity in that, where workers are happy with their work environment, their involvement increases and this in turn, increases performance and productivity of the company. On the other hand, innovativeness and creativity can also be used to measure the productivity of white collar workers. An innovative pool of workers means that a company is able to improve its productivity and gain a competitive edge over similar companies with regard t o the market share. However, a lack of innovativeness or creativity among workers means that the productivity of the company is also affected (Hoop and Wolzansky 68). Team work is also a tool to measure the productivity of white collar workers. This is because, in a group, it is easier to notice the input of every member in terms of contributions made by each member. This helps the team leader to assess the talent or ability of each group member in improving a company’s productivity. Employee turnover is also a way of measuring the productivity
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Jazz Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Jazz Music - Essay Example In fact the pecuniary limitations of the multi million dollar music publishing business make it necessary to package musical genres with appropriate labels so as to facilitate their mass marketing and sale. Yet, there exists one musical genre that defies all definitions and commercial constraints and stands apart in a class of its own. That musical tradition is known as Jazz. Jazz is an art form of contradictions and surprises and happens to be a strange mix of conformity and rebellion, tradition and novelty, practice and improvisation, discipline and impetuosity. Jazz is every thing that one seeks in a musical composition and still it always seems to be so fresh, new and exotic (Miles 37). In fact, it is this very quality of Jazz that makes it so typically American. Jazz originated in the port city of New Orleans at some time around 1895, that was and is the home to a diverse and multicultural population that included blacks, Hispanics and European immigrants. The history of Jazz is in fact akin to the history of America. The various ethnic communities residing in New Orleans happened to be the custodians of musical traditions originating from Europe, Africa and Latin America. It is difficult to say when and how, but Jazz emerged as a formative tradition that was the result of the juxtaposition and coalescing of these diverse musical traditions. Initially it was performed and played by really small groups who mostly resorted to improvisation and spontaneous composition, while exhibiting an astonishing aptitude for classical music and a diehard instinct for African and Latin notes (Aaberg 1). One special thing about these performances was that no one performance sounded likes the other, even if it involved the same musicians and singers. Even today this trait happens to be the hallmark of jazz music. Eventually the Jazz groups gradually started moving to Chicago in the 20s (Aaberg 2). These vagrant performers continuously experimented with their music and the J azz music that developed in these times is known as the early Jazz (Aaberg 2). As expected, Jazz was never to loose its panache for evolution. The music that was till now confined to small groups gave way to big bands in the early 40s. Still there was no dearth of performers who preferred to go solo. This period in the history of Jazz is known as the swing era (Aaberg 3). Some of the noteworthy bands of this era were Jimmy Lunceford, Duke Ellington and Fletcher Henderson (Aaberg 3). There also existed a special class of bands who were more into the dance music. Yet, the era of big Jazz bands was not to last for very long. In the 50s and 60s, Jazz musical split into a range of styles such as Be pop, More, Cool, Funky and Free Jazz (Aaberg 4). Be pop was a more straight jacketed approach to Jazz in the sense that it insisted on pleasing the musicians rather then appealing to the masses (Aaberg 4). Thus it had a limited financial scope. Cool Jazz was more experimental in its perspective and often incorporated musical instruments like oboe and flute that were never traditionally related to Jazz (Aaberg 4). Funky Jazz was basically inspired from the black spirituals. One common thing about all these Jazz styles was that they were primarily solo driven. However, sometime around the end of 1970, the age of big bands was to come back. The introduction of electrical instruments on the scene ushered in new opportunities and possibilities for the musicians and composers. Jazz was also not averse to this new trend. Hence originated the most
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